Painting during a house remodelling

When to Paint During a Home Remodel for the Best Results?

When going through a residential remodel, a new coat of paint may seem like the most exciting change. Although that may be true, there are some things you can do to make sure your home is painted in a way that will keep it fresh and vibrant for years to come. But at what point should you paint? Should you start painting immediately after a renovation? Or should you wait until the last minute before painting? It’s important to know when you need a new coat of paint because it can help prevent any damage. Here are some general guidelines from JMA Painters, your local residential paint contractor, on when to paint during your remodel!

Before The Following:

When remodeling a room or multiple rooms in your home, many factors can affect the quality of your work. However, you don’t want bad timing to be one of them if you can avoid it. You will want to paint your areas BEFORE the following:

Before Large Pieces Are Installed 

Before you begin painting your area, you will want to envision the design of the space as a whole. Having a plan regarding where your furniture and other large pieces will go is key to the success of your project. However, painting should be done before installing those pieces in the area. This allows for a full, unhindered space to paint each wall, ceiling, and surface.

If you were to have large furniture in the area, you may have areas that you could not access fully to paint. Also, those large pieces could be at risk of getting paint drips or splatters on them if they are present in the space prior to painting. Therefore, be sure to paint before moving those pieces into your space. If you hire a residential paint contractor for the job, they should be able to assist in the vision of this process and advise on when to paint.

Before Most Flooring is Installed

Before you or your residential paint contractor begins painting your space, you may think that installing your new flooring or carpet is a good idea. However, imagine painting on your brand new floor! If that brings you anguish, then you may want to paint before installing it! Painting, while your new floor is yet to be installed, allows you to paint without fear of ruining your new floors. It also allows you to reach every corner, nook, and cranny in your space without being impeded by the flooring layout. So, before you install your pristine and new floor, be sure to complete your painting!

After The Following:

When you are remodeling a space, several steps need to be taken. However, you will want to paint your space only AFTER you have completed the following steps:

After Interior Plumbing and Electrical are Done

Because paint dries to a hard substance, it is important to make sure that all interior plumbing has been completed. The paint will likely be chipped or damaged if the plumbing is installed afterward. In the same manner, installing the electrical system is always advised to be completed before painting. Because both of these actions involve getting inside the walls and sometimes the ceilings, doing so after the painting has been done would prove to be ineffective.

After Old Floors are Removed

It is advised that you paint after removing the old floors from your remodeled area. This is because removing the old floor can cause potential damage to the paint and surfaces that need to be painted. If this happens after the paint has been completed, you may need to restart that entire process. To save yourself time and hassle, remove the old flooring before beginning your painting process.

After Drywall and Spackling is Dry

Paint would serve no purpose if there were no surfaces to paint. With this in mind, during your remodel, you will want to install the drywall and spackling before painting. The drywall will give you the surface that you will be painting, and the spackling will fill any and all holes, cracks, and other imperfections in your surface. Be sure that your painting canvas, so to speak, is prepped and ready to go once you begin painting! JMA Painters, your local residential paint contractor, is also skilled in drywall and would be happy to assist with this part of the project!

During your remodel, you will need to make sure that the walls are painted properly. Whether that is before or after certain other processes, having a plan in place can help you get everything done in the order that is most efficient for your project. If you need advice on your project or assistance from well-qualified painting contractors near you, contact the specialists at JMA PAinters!

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