Commercial building with brick exterior-JMA Painters

Professional Tips for Painting Brick Exteriors

Many businesses have brick exteriors. For some people, that’s fine. To present a more modern, cleaner image, a lot of locations are opting to have their exterior brick painted. It makes the walls look more uniform and can be a great asset to your image. There is a lot involved with painting brick, and there are a few things you need to consider before you have commercial painters come in to handle it.

For professional assistance and expert advice, feel free to visit us at JMA Painters. We are here to help you transform your business exterior with precision and care.

Assessing Brick Condition

Excessive Chipping and Wear

  • Check for Damage: If your brick flakes away easily or looks very damaged, it might be due to moisture issues. Brick needs to breathe, and excessive moisture can cause significant damage.
  • Moisture Issues: Address any moisture problems before painting to ensure the longevity of the paint job. This may involve repairs or improvements to the building’s drainage or waterproofing systems.

Efflorescence Concerns

  • Identifying Efflorescence: This white, hard coating appears when water evaporates through the stone, leaving behind salts. While usually cosmetic, persistent efflorescence can indicate deeper issues.
  • Removal and Monitoring: Clean away efflorescence and observe if it returns, which may suggest more serious underlying problems.
  • Professional Assessment: If efflorescence persists, consult a professional to diagnose and fix the root cause before painting.

Choosing the Right Color and Technique

Permanent Color Choices

  • Commitment to Color: Paint seeps into brick’s porous surface, making it difficult to remove. Carefully consider your color choice because once applied, it is almost permanent.
  • Alternative Staining Option: Unlike paint, staining allows the brick to breathe by coloring it without sealing it.
  • Color Harmony: Choose colors that complement the overall architectural style and surrounding environment to enhance curb appeal.

Preparation and Painting Process

Thorough Preparation

  • Cleaning: Ensure the brick surface is clean and free of efflorescence before painting. Use a wire brush and a mild detergent solution to scrub the bricks clean.
  • Repair Work: Fill in any cracks or damaged mortar joints with a suitable filler and allow it to dry completely.
  • Priming: Use a high-quality primer designed for masonry to help the paint adhere better and last longer. Primer also seals the brick and provides a uniform surface for the paint.

Professional Application

  • Hiring Experts: For the best results, consider hiring professional commercial painters who have experience with brick surfaces.
  • Quality Materials: Use high-quality, breathable masonry paint to ensure durability and maintain the integrity of the brick.
  • Application Technique: Apply multiple thin coats of paint rather than one thick coat. This ensures even coverage and reduces the risk of peeling and cracking.

Curing and Maintenance

Allowing Proper Curing Time

  • Curing Process: After painting, allow sufficient time for the paint to cure. This ensures the paint bonds well to the brick and provides a durable finish.
  • Ventilation: Ensure good ventilation during the curing process to help the paint dry evenly and quickly.

Regular Maintenance

  • Cleaning: Keep the painted brick clean to maintain its appearance. Use a gentle cleaning solution and a soft brush to remove dirt and grime.
  • Touch-Ups: Periodically inspect for any areas that may need touch-ups to keep the finish looking fresh. Address any chips or cracks promptly to prevent further damage.
  • Weatherproofing: Consider applying a weatherproof sealant to protect the paint from harsh elements and extend its lifespan.

Get In Touch with JMA Painters Today!

There are a lot of things to think about if you’re going to paint your brick, but with as sharp as it will look (when done correctly) the investment is definitely worth it.

Let JMA Painters help you create a stunning exterior for your business. Our experienced team will ensure your brick painting project is handled with the utmost care and professionalism. Contact us today for a consultation and take the first step towards a refreshed and modern look for your business.

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