A stack of wall paper rolls on a counter.

Simple Steps for Effortless Wallpaper Removal

Home Improvements can be fun and yet stressful at the same time.  If you choose not to hire a local paint contractor near you, this DIY wallpaper removal post is for you! Whether the project includes painting, flooring, walls, upgrades, or additions, researching beforehand is vital to a successful outcome.  If you are considering removing wallpaper, as scary as it sounds, learning what the process entails can help to prevent problems from occurring.  Who doesn’t want a smooth and undamaged wall once the wallpaper has been completely removed?      

Prep Work For Wallpaper Removal

Before beginning, you should prepare the room for removing the wallpaper.

  • Remove all items from the walls.
  • Move the furniture to the center of the room, or completely out of the room.
  • Protect the floors and furniture (if left in the room) by covering them with drop cloths.  
  • Shut off the electricity in the room.
  • Cover electrical outlets or light switches with painter’s tape.
  • Determine if you have plaster walls or drywall.  Drywall can get damaged easily if it gets too wet, so it is important not to soak it.
  • Determine what type of wallpaper you have using a putty knife to peel back a corner.  You will either have strippable, peelable, or traditional wallpaper.    

If you can peel the wallpaper right off, you have strippable wallpaper.  This is the easiest wallpaper to remove.  If the wallpaper peels away but leaves some backing, then you have peelable wallpaper.  This type of wallpaper is a two-layered paper with a vinyl layer on top and a backing under layer.  If the wallpaper does not budge, then you have traditional wallpaper that will require water and a chemical stripper to remove it.  This is the most difficult wallpaper to work with.

How to Remove Strippable Wallpaper?

To remove strippable wallpaper, you will need a putty knife, soap, water, and rags.  

  • Use a putty knife to peel a corner of the wallpaper.  Use your other hand to peel the paper away from the wall trying to avoid tearing.  If the wallpaper does tear, use your putty knife to peel another corner and start again.  Do this until all the wallpaper has been removed.  
  • Once removed, clean the walls with soap and warm water to remove any residue.  

How to Remove Peelable Wallpaper?

To remove peelable wallpaper (2 layers), you will need a putty knife, rubber gloves, water, wallpaper stripper, spray bottle, scoring tool (if necessary), ladder, soap, and rags. 

  • First, peel off the top vinyl layer of the wallpaper, then use a putty knife to pull the backing paper off.  
  • If you have paper layers that stay stuck to the wall, add a wallpaper stripper to a spray bottle.  Spray the solution to the difficult area and let it sit for a few minutes.  Use a putty knife to peel off the wallpaper.  
  • If the solution does not absorb making the wallpaper still difficult to remove, you will need to score the wall before applying the solution.  To do this, use the scoring tool to make overlapping circles over the paper.
  • Once the entire wallpaper has been removed, clean the walls with soap and warm water to remove any residue.    

To remove traditional wallpaper, you will need a putty knife, rubber gloves, water, wallpaper stripper, spray bottle, wallpaper scoring tool (if necessary), ladder, soap, and rags.

  • First, combine hot water and wallpaper stripper according to the instructions into a spray bottle.    
  • Apply the solution to a small three-feet by three-feet section at a time.
  • Let the solution absorb for a few minutes then use a putty knife to peel off the wallpaper working up the wall. 
  • Continue doing three feet by three feet sections at a time.
  • If the solution does not absorb making the wallpaper still difficult to remove, you will need to score the wall before applying the solution.  To do this, use the scoring tool to make overlapping circles over the paper.  
  • Once the entire wallpaper has been removed, clean the walls with soap and warm water to remove any residue.

If neither of these methods works on removing stubborn wallpaper, then you could rent an electric wallpaper steamer.  If this is the case for you, besides the electric steamer, you will need a putty knife, safety goggles, rubber gloves, a scoring tool (if necessary), soap, water, and rags.

  • Follow the instructions on how to prepare and use the electric steamer.
  • Be sure to wear long sleeves, safety gloves, and goggles for protection.
  • Hold the steamer to the wallpaper which should loosen the adhesive, then use a putty knife to scrape off the wallpaper.
  • If the steamer does not seem to be working, use a scoring tool to make small holes in the wallpaper, then continue with the steaming and scraping process.
  • Once the entire wallpaper has been removed, clean the walls with soap and warm water to remove any residue.

If you are attempting to remove wallpaper yourself, it is wise to research websites to help you better understand the process.  But, if you are looking for a reliable paint contractor near you to do the work, JMA Painters is just a phone call away.  They have an impeccable reputation for high-quality work in current Louisiana areas such as Lafayette, Baton Rouge, Lake Charles, and Alexandria Districts.  You can reach them today at the Lafayette location at 337-329-8445 or the New Orleans location at 504-229-2083

If you want to learn more about our services, please visit our website at  JMA is the paint contractor company you can trust to get the job done and on schedule.  Contact us today!   


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